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Help Christians in Gaza 

'Breaking Bread for the Hungry'

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Gaza1We are all aware of the dire situation in Gaza, and an opportunity for us to help has come through an appeal from a Baptist pastor, Dr Munir Kakish. I met him during my recent visit to Israel. He has a church in Ramla in Israel, and also in Ramallah, where he is the founding director of RCO Ministries. He is part of the Association of Baptist Churches in Israel with whom we in the CBA are twinned, and so we can transfer support with Gift Aid through Baptist Twinning in Israel .

As president of the Local Council of Evangelical Churches in the Holy Land (a European Baptist Federation partner), Dr Kakish has been in contact with the Christians in Gaza. There are about 1000 Christians taking shelter in two church facilities in Gaza. He is well acquainted with many Christian families from Gaza as he used to visit and preach in the Baptist church there, at times when they did not have a pastor. Many children who were raised at RCO’s Children's Home across the years of his ministry also come from the Gaza strip. Through this contact, he can testify that the situation in Gaza is truly intolerable. 

The amount of physical and emotional suffering people are living with there is overwhelming. The Christians have reported to us that due to the lack of food, they are eating barley mixed with corn, normally used as animal feed.

Gaza2We have sent funds to the multitude of Christians that are sheltering in the two churches there, and they expressed their heartfelt thanks as these funds enabled them to buy food, sanitary supplies, medicine, bottled water, and cleaning supplies as well as such things as blankets and diapers for babies. Unfortunately, supplies are expensive as they cannot get into Gaza from Egypt. A small loaf of pita bread costs about $3.00 (about £2.40) and 2 pounds of onions cost $6.00 (about £4.80) which is too much for people who are already financially depleted!

We have an ongoing distribution of funds for food to the Christians in Gaza and the West Bank and welcome your prayers and any financial help to continue to do so. In the feeding of the 5000 in John 6:9-13, the loaves were barley loaves, pointing to a level of poverty that might have marked the boy. Do not underestimate what the Lord can do with the little that you faithfully and lovingly entrust in His hands…

Donations may be made through Baptist Twinning in Israel, with the Reference ‘RCO Appeal’:

  • via BACS to Baptist Twinning in Israel
    • Account number: 43262968
    • Sort Code: 30-94-30
    • Reference: RCO Appeal.
  • for Gift Aid via CAF, search ‘Baptist Twinning in Israel’ Find a charity and donate | CAF ( Select ‘Add special instructions for this donation’, and write ‘RCO Appeal’.

Thank you for your prayerful consideration - Munir asks:

“please pray for both Palestinians and Israelis as both peoples are deeply suffering and have lost so many loved ones.”

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